Saturday, May 25, 2013

Lotions and Potions

Anyone that knows me, knows that I love to pamper myself. I even have more appreciation for my lotions and potions since there was a period a couple of years ago - when taking a shower was a luxury. I like to keep it simple and of course - SAVE $$$! So, I am always on the lookout for a new find.

Typically, I make out really well at Beauty Brands - I am on their mailing list - I get a "Free item with purchase" every other month (typically, a pretty good item - shampoo/hairspray/etc). I take my coupon and go straight to the Clearence isle (tucked away in the back of the store). They have a 35% off and a 65% off - I only go to the 65% :)  And, of course - I look for the most volume (of product)  for the least amount of $$ - who cares if it has been discontinued?? I always score big AND  get my free item! In addition, they have a program  - each time you spend $100 you get 10% off your next purchase - they keep track of your purchases - its great.

This being said, and totally hair/skin products - regardless of brand are starting to bother me. Not only did I find hairs in strange places and a few extra wrinkles around my I have weird reactions to perfumes and dyes - itchy and breakouts. EWWWW! This must happen when you turn 36! No one told me :) So, in my quest to make our food a bit "preservative free" (see earlier blog) - I decided to get some ideas on do-it-yourself hair care products.

And, what did I find - but ingredients in my own pantry. My favorite item of all "Braggs" Apple Cider Vinegar. There are countless health benefits - I often drink it (Must mix with water) is awesome (for you - horrible taste!).

Other must haves - Baking Soda, Olive Oil and Sea Salt = beauty for pennies!

My skin and hair feels and looks great. My hair is shiny and has no build up! My skin feels like Glass, smooth, clear and moisturized!

Currently, I am using these DIY hair products - every OTHER day.
I bought a ketchup/mustard bottle from the Dollar Store as my applicater- works perfect - and your guest will think you eat hot dogs in the bathtub! Let them!

Bottle #1 - Add baking Soda approx 2 Tablespoons and fill the rest with water. Shake until well mixed. Apply to hair and scalp, rinse, repeat. There will not lather. Don't fret!  This will last you a LONG time! (Shake prior to each use - Baking Soda will settle at the bottom)
Pennies..hear me - Pennies! And, no bad chemicals! Cha-Ching!

Bottle #2 - Add Apple Cider Vinegar (the good stuff - Bragg's Brand) - 2 Tablespoons and fill the rest with water. Shake until mixed. Apply to hair - let sit for a bit, rinse. This will not be your typical "cream rinse", BUT your hair will be manageable and shiny!
***Do not get in your eyes AND do not use on children!!! Burning is an understatement!

I love exfoliation and have used "St Ives" since High School. Many Dermatologist will disagree - but, drinking tons of water and great exfoliation makes my face look great! I use this potion about 2 times a week.
This can be used for your entire body - just be careful in the shower - Oil + water= a slippery shower!
I always apply to my hands at the same time as my face - this has worked wonders for my dry hands and cuticles!

Take 2 Tablespoons of Sea Salt and 1 Tablespoon (just enough to wet the salt) of Olive Oil, stir with fingers and apply to entire face (except eyes)..scrub scrub scrub...especially around hair line an nose...I also like going over my lips and chin! I do a really deep scrub for 3-5 minutes, then let it sit - while I do my hands.

FYI - My skin slightly broke out the after the first scrub, I'm convinced it was impurities coming to the surface.

Men - I wouldn't hesitate to use either one of these suggestions! Nothing is sexier  that a man with great hair and skin!

Try it - trust me - you will be glowing..not to mention - saving that $$$$

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Power of 3!

So, I am the first to admit, being a parent  is not easy. For those of you who disagree, you are   A.Lying,   B.Lying or   C. Lying. If you are a parent who does everything you can to promote learning, develop a well rounded off-spring  - then, pray, close your eyes and hope for the best. You are not alone! I was always told that a 2 year old was easier than a teen..whoever said that was right! They are a different being, a unknown character- hugs one minute and rejection the next. And, the best part – this is normal. They are as confused as we are. It was a big deal when I was a kid – but, today it is amplified. Conversations that I was hoping to wait until later, were expedited. I had no choice but to go with the flow and be ready for confrontations at any moment. Every parent has a different method for approaching the “tough” subjects. For me, there was no rehersal. Originally, I had a plan – it looked formal and precise. That idea was tossed out the window when a couple of years ago, Trent informed me that “John told me on the bus, that his sister would have never gotten pregnant if SHE would have used a condom.” EEEEEEK! GASP! Well, after I took a couple deep breaths (and splashed cold water on my face) – I dove right in!  This wasn’t a “dollar menu” convo. This was the Supersized Value Meal – Crap! We addressed a “few” subjects.  It was honest, quick and fact driven. I didn’t sweat, he giggled and we moved on. It opened the door to the matter-of-fact approach and the rule that “nothing is too embarrassed to be discussed”. Well, this is where I am today – almost age 13, ask me next year – when I am sure things will change.

Recently, I took along my preteen on a business trip – It was a great way to spend some one on one time with an underlining motive. The motive was to discuss current social topics – home, school and in our country. It was successful. We also took in awesome movies that produced great dialogue. Sometimes, as parents we just need an icebreaker (kind of like John on the bus) – this time, it was the movie.

The movie opens the door –then, it’s just a simple…Hey, How did you like the movie? Did anything like this ever happen in your world? What would you do different now? Do you have any questions for me?  Trust me; the conversation will just take off. One tip – typically, a movie with mom will get rolled eyes and “your movies are stupid”…I suggest popcorn and lots of candy – it softens the blow!

I have already done the leg work for you…these are fantastic movies for any age. Most importantly, they will promote a discussion between family members, peers and great internal dialogue.
Do not let “special needs” or “disability” changes your thoughts on watching the first 2 suggestions. This is the world that are children are growing up in. Raising children to be culturally aware, culturally educated and the ability to completely accept (regardless of capability and color) is the best gift we can give to them.
1. Including Samuel – less than 1hr
**Inclusion of Special Needs Children in their home and school – and the impact on community.
You can watch it online here –

2. Monica and David-less than 1 hr.
**What does marriage look like? Does a disability matter? Involvement of parents in adult relationships.
Netflix, Amazon

3. 42 – less than 2 hr.
**The story of Jackie Robinson, wonderful insight into black history, baseball. How far have we come? Acceptance? And, how much further our country needs to go towards equality.
In theatres now!

Don’t forget the extra butter J
Enjoy! I would love your feedback!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Storage Tote Intervention!

I’m alive! Barely…super busy with work recently…lots of changes going on around these parts! I am one step closer to starting my new job and a wonderful (and unexpected) turn in my career path. Unexpected turns are great…a good idea for a blog sometime!
So I have only a few more weeks before I am a full time working mom again…eeeeek! So, I am frantically organizing and stocking up on the essentials – as I know that the initial transition will be a bit bumpy. Hoping that preparing on the front-end will bring less stress on the home front. I have kicked it in high gear and decided that once again, I would share purging tips!
By means of full disclosure, I own storage totes…probably 6. I am going to store some of Chases Medical Records, so another is needed. This blog is for all of the addicted Toter's out there. STOP! Stop finding boxes and storage containers and more crap to “organize”. Trust me, you will rarely go back and look in some of them. I have a tote for Christmas, a (yes!) for baby memorabilia from the kids, a Stacey  tote (yearbooks, old school pics, etc), Chase’s “too big” clothes, and a couple for misc. holiday décor. That. Is. It. Honestly, my old stuff probably could go – but keeping it for my kids could offer some great memories.
As I have said before, I am not sentimental, so these projects are easy for me. I like keeping the top 5-10 items from childhood, not everything. So, for those of you who find meaning in everything – you may want to obtain therapy before reading any further! As I have mentioned before, our families items (95%) are CHEAP, very CHEAP. I find great deals! When you spend less on an item you don’t feel so obligated to it! I remember spending $300 for a bed spread ensemble in 1998 – that I used for 5 years because (back then) it was so much $$$. Now, I spend less, and there is not as much attachment!
I hear over and over…”I wish I had time to Organize”, “I neeeeeeed to get rid of stuff, but I can’t”.  Mind you, I am a busy mother – It is non-stop around this joint from dawn to dusk. But, I always have time to eliminate! So, here is the Cliff Notes version getting rid of your Crap – the 5 Minute Purge!
Typically, by the end of each week, I have 1-2 bags (trash bags) for donation and 1-2 bags of purged items. I have a small family – this is easily done and simple. For me, it is sanity. It clears my mind. Makes cleaning a snap! And, best of all  -I know where EVERYTHING is!
So, get your supplies – a garbage sack and a trash can and pick a spot!
For example, this morning I was watching the news – Chase was playing and I spent 10 minutes and got 2 spaces done – the Bathroom and the Bedroom.
When cleaning my closet, which I do a couple times a month, I eliminate what I don’t like, What doesn’t fit and what is out of style – my closet is small – this takes 3-5 minutes. Bathroom – I eliminate expired meds, old makeup (or colors I don’t like), frayed towels, cleaning supplies, etc. Today I got a entire trash bag – no joke!
I pick a space each day. Kids rooms, Entertainment center (old movies), Toys, Kitchen Cabinets, Refrigerator, Etc. I highly suggest at the end of each holiday- purging before you put away. I always end up with more Christmas décor than what I need.  Trust me, this is easy and painless.
By the end of the week, I simply drop off what I don’t need at the local DAV Thrift store and get a 25% off coupon for my next shopping trip.
Some families choose to have garage sales – as much as I love attending these sales – storing the items prior to the sale, gives me a heart attack. Clutter seriously stresses me out (obviously). Some families choose to attend the “kids consignment” sales – these are way too much work for my liking!  I like a simple purge, and a simple donation. For items that have value, I have good luck with Craigslist and Facebook Groups. Although, recently, I found it was more work tracking down the seller and gas to deliver my item proved not to be profitable.

Find what works for your family. Buy only what you love. Spend less. Save more. I recently went into Coldwater Creek, love that place. However, I started sweating (really) while looking at the Clearance (the only section I shop). A tank top was $39 with 50% off. HUH?? $20 for a tank. I had to do deep breathing. I spend $20-$40 per month on clothes for my entire family. I do splurge on shoes or a good bra. But, rarely!
Try it for a week. Don’t ponder an item. Move Quick. Often, I will drop off a donation and forget what I brought. We are such a materialistic society, when we enjoy the items we do have – there is a much greater appreciation!

Other Great Ideas:

And here is to a "Clutter Free" Life!