Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Sunny Days Ahead!

So, I am a bit delayed in my blog posting. Between sick kids and spring break, my “free” time is limited. For some reason, when I break out the laptop it is like Cat Nip to a toddler – he attacks it! Spring is in full force, Summer is knocking on my door! Looking forward to what these warm months have in store for my little family! I am embarking on personal change, as I recently accepted a full time (corporate) position…it will be a challenge, as I haven’t been in the workforce for several years!  Needless to say, it will be an exciting summer – I will be working a full time job and 2 part time jobs and raising these 2 munchkins – solo!

Regardless, summer planning has started and we are ready to add events to our calendar. I reached out to my ever-so-reliable Facebook family to chime in on their favorite activities on the cheap (my #1) goal!

I hope that you and your family find some new ideas in the list below!


My oldest (age 12 ¾) loves the Salvation Army camps at the Three Trails Center (Independence, MO) – these are fun, awesome, Christ driven camps (3-4) days for only $25! He attends 2 a summer (sports, music, etc.), must turn in applications ASAP to get a spot!

Recently, Downtown KC started a bike rental program *a bit pricey, but a fun day! We have already planned on adding this to our big kid list, checking out the Crossroads - browsing Architectural Salvage and grabbing a sandwich at Grinders!

My big kid has found that digging through moms old treasures is cool! We pulled out my old (very old) Cotton Candy Machine – lots of fun! We have started cooking lessons and browsed new recipes. Many of our summer activities revolve around education and life skills!


Independence Center has a train (aka choo choo) that chugs around the mall (all year long) – for just a few bucks your tot can wave at the mall walkers!

I rarely shop at the mall, but it makes for a great field trip. We also stop at the pet store (pray for the caged animals), take a spin on the (over-priced) carousal, and climb on the free play area aka Germ Central (then drench them in hand-sanitizer)


Anything at the Library!!!! We love Midcontinent and the KC Library

We are eager to go for a ride on the N KC railroad:

Tour the Roasterie Coffee Plant

Tour the Harley Davidson Plant

Gage Center – Open Play

Science City

Coterie Theatre

Deanna Rose – A fun farmstead with playground, fishing and horse back riding – a must see for the summer!

Crown Center – Kaleidoscope (free, best for over age 3) and Burgers at Fritz’s (meal delivered via train)

Science City

Stroll around Bass Pro, picnic and duck feeding at Waterfall park (our fav) – located behind Bass Pro

Summer passes for Movies or Bowling (ex. $2 movie days)

Burr Oaks or any nature center – many in the KC area

Cool Crest – Arcade, Mini Golf, Go Karts(great Groupons and Coupons)

Thoughts from other moms

 Fleming Park - Get carrots and apples - feed the elk and buffalo! Take lunch, drinks, pillows, blanket, books. Have a picnic and reading party after. There are grassy areas near the animal enclosure. Cheap fun. Another good one is to take a hike. We have good trails near our home. Have the kids take pics. Or have them draw or write about what they saw when they get home from the hike. I sometimes use reading hours for "points" earned toward a bigger kid fave, like Summit Waves.

Think outside of the box – Last summer we helped a dog rescue lady by walking her dogs a few times per week. Free, helpful, super good for the dogs, good exercise for all of us, AND teaches a good lesson about "giving back."

OP Arboretum... they're adding new attractions for the kids... a big caboose/train station. There are paved trails, hiking trails, creeks, waterfalls, and a kid area. Free, or $2 admission... cheap, and you could do a picnic.

Feeding the fish at Longview Lake Marina.

A few great finds for cheap kids meals – I haven’t tried these but heard good things:

Red Robin

Pizza Ranch

Culvers – has an awesome kid’s meal!

**Our family is trying to reduce fast food, if anyone has suggestions for healthy food stops on the go – please let me know!

Our Favorite Desserts:

If you haven’t been to Glace, you are missing out! Excellent Ice Creams by Christopher Elbow (my fav – goat cheese and pretzel – heaven)

Another fav, are these delightful Little Freshie Snow Cones – like NO other!


A couple websites with suggestions (some duplicates):

Wishing you Sunshine and Giggles,




Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Windows Are Open!

There has been a big emphasis recently on “paying it forward”. I love the underlying message and continually try to acknowledge others by doing good deeds.  As I agonize over parenting an offspring through the teen years…sigh…I was venting (begging for suggestions) to a friend “ALL I DO IS COMPLAIN”..I feel like I am constantly giving directional cues to my kids..”Do this, Do that”.  And, when I get a long-winded story about a friend crisis (at middle school)..I am known to say “speed it up! are dragging this out”. 

My dear friend made a good point, make your connections (verbally)…90% positive and 10% “other”. This struck a nerve, I had it all backwards. I thought my constant bitching was constructive (not!). He reminded me these are precious years and we WANT our kids to talk to us – we don’t need to complain about everything – pick YOUR battles. Wow. Simple. Yet, it spoke to me at the right time. The light bulb went on!

I have made a conscious effort to turn this around. At any given moment I might close the open kitchen window to make sure my neighbor doesn’t hear me rage about the melted ice cream found under the bed..UGH! Full Disclosure, I am not perfect

First, I took principals that I put place in my own life and incorporated them into parenting and social interactions. Several years ago, during a transformation in my own life, I was reading the benefits of Positive Thinking, Vision Boards, Law of Attraction, etc. All about positive energy – I am a big believer.  If you don’t know what this is all should!

You can find more here:

First, I had each family member create a daily mantra, affirmation…Such as “God is first, I am a patient mother, knowledgeable student and devoted friend. I will take on the world today, and make myself a priority”

It may sound cheesy, but sometimes you need the internal push (self-compliment) and reassurance that you can make it another day!

Then, I went back to my positive thinking roots and realized that it all goes back to one thing – Words, the simple, the spoken.  And, I used a sprinkle of The Love and Logic parenting concept, using “empathy” first with your children (more on this later).  In your everyday conversations add empathy (validation) and compliments and watch your world turn around. The best thing, it’s free – yep, no cost for your kind words.

So, instead of getting caught up in the physical or monetary rewards to a stranger or even the ones you love, consider starting with the genuine, creative gift that we all possess. The Power to make someone feel on top of this world!

Here are a couple of examples from my life:

Trent comes home upset, ANOTHER middle school drama. After about 15 minutes of listening patiently, the bottom line was..”John was holding Sally’s hand on the way to the bus…and, I like Sally”. Gulp! My initial reaction would be…”toughen up, don’t worry about it – dude, you’re in middle school – you shouldn’t even worry about girls”. But, I slammed on the brakes. It obviously was huge to him. Instead, I replied. ..(Empathy) “I bet that really hurt your feelings, that has happened to me before too – I know how it feels.” “You are smart, funny and great looking there will be another young lady who comes along”. It is simple and small, but we connected and it was part of the 90% of positive conversation, not the 10% of negative.

I love the often repeated Starbucks story of purchasing a drink for the person behind you. I think it’s great, kind of the mysterious generosity – like Larry Stewart  who never reviled his identity but would hand strangers 100 dollar bills. How awesome.

I like Wendy’s coffee..and make a habit of getting a cup  before class. Every morning there is an older lady – probably mid 70’s who takes my order and hands me my coffee. She is wrinkled, worn, making minimum wage, and still had a bright and welcoming smile. One morning, before speeding off..I stopped; I looked her in the eye and told her how much I look forward to seeing her warm smile every morning. It was obvious; I was the first person who said this all day. I found the reward just as great, as if I had purchased a 5 dollar coffee for the car behind me.

One of the most profound use and misuse of words that I remember is the day, I got engaged. I met my husband (now ex) when I was 18, head over heels in love. Three years later, we picked out the perfect ring and stuck it in layaway. I knew that one day, we would pay it off and he would propose. However, he surprised me and got it out early. It was Valentine’s Day, 1998 – perfect. Of course, like any newly engaged girl– I bounced relative to relative, friend to friend – gleaming, holding up my sparkling left hand! I will never forget the words, “is it real?”, “why are you doing this?”…the joy was not mutual. The power of these words still sting today- It reminds me of the old saying, “I may forget what you said, but I will never forget how you made me feel.”

It was a painful lesson in the power of words. I vowed to forever support any arrangement of love, always. You may be short, tall, African American, fat, skinny, Chinese, poor or rich, I will not judge you. If you are man or woman, and you have found love or companionship – I will fill you up with words of joy and encouragement.

This has spilled over into all avenues of support. When I see accomplishment, such a new relationship, job promotion or weight loss – I am truly happy. I will pronounce my words of joy and support. I will not mumble envy or jealousy.
We all strive to be better and we have all made mistakes, so turn your words in a new direction. I hope that this message on the power of words touches your world and that your 90% is full of greatness! I leave you with this (compliment)…thanks for reading my little ol blog! Oh, and by the way, your hair looks great today! (wink!)


Thursday, March 7, 2013

Mom, The Witch!

Although, my children may disagree - I don't drive a broom. And, I haven't taken a new spiritual path and discovering being a true witch. I consider myself, Glenda, the good witch. There are a few times a day when I bring out the black hat - Morning (trying to get out the door), Right when we get home (dinner, homework, etc.) and bedtime for Trent (making sure that he is sleeping and not browsing a electronic device.
Mornings are currently under experiment - I have found improvement with adding Curious George and Popsicles at 7am - who cares, it works! And, I get up before the kids to get ready. At least I "appear" together when I dart out the door with leftover Popsicle on my face. Hasn't really helped the situation that Chase's school has suggested "locking the doors" if you are late. Nice. Considering that I have to drive 30 minutes in morning traffic, the heat is on! If I find a trick to make it work, I will be sure to pass it on.
Back to the Witching, specifically the "Witching Hour". I stumbled upon a article recently, titled as such - as I quickly browsed to discover the Cliff Notes version - I realized, that I am a witch! Everyday, at 4pm, as we all make our way back to the "burbs" happens..tears, yelling, begging for food (usually candy, Popsicles, etc), phones are ringing, dishes need to be done - it all collides! Then, I realize that I need to check a school planner, assist with homework, give Chase a tube feed...all while someone is tugging at my leg screaming "OOD EE" - (aka..Woody = Toy Story). Shit. Forgot to let the dog out!  I am not embarrassed to say, I find myself extremely frustrated and quite honestly, I don't know where to begin. I am not alone, I'm sure.
So, I looked for advice on the Witching article and took a look at our house to make it more peaceful and put the broom away! First, I made changes without telling the kids, then I informed Trent, mid week. We all agree, its better!
First thing I do, Feed the kids - dinner! No snacks..we eat dinner between 430 and 5! Then, the reward for getting your chores and homework done - you get a dessert and "free time" before bed. Second, I stick Chase in the bath at 5pm - yep! 5pm - he is in PJ's. The bath and playtime is soothing, peaceful and organized play. It also give me time to check my emails and go through mail..the bathroom is my "other" office :) don't laugh.  Depending on the weather, I give Trent some time to unwind (bball) then its homework, chores and bath. The quicker he moves, the more free time at the end of the evening.
Last night, by 6..all baths were done, kitchen cleaned, and I was baking a dessert. It was peaceful and lovely. My number one goal is to be present with the kids in the evening. After they are in bed (early!!!), I use that time to catch up on work and reading. 
We have had the best week, we have eliminated the late night rush - by moving everything up a couple of hours! Every family is different, I rarely plan activities during the week, I like simple evenings! I have attached a couple of other articles on "The Witching Hour" - check it out!

xo stacey