Mornings are currently under experiment - I have found improvement with adding Curious George and Popsicles at 7am - who cares, it works! And, I get up before the kids to get ready. At least I "appear" together when I dart out the door with leftover Popsicle on my face. Hasn't really helped the situation that Chase's school has suggested "locking the doors" if you are late. Nice. Considering that I have to drive 30 minutes in morning traffic, the heat is on! If I find a trick to make it work, I will be sure to pass it on.
Back to the Witching, specifically the "Witching Hour". I stumbled upon a article recently, titled as such - as I quickly browsed to discover the Cliff Notes version - I realized, that I am a witch! Everyday, at 4pm, as we all make our way back to the "burbs" happens..tears, yelling, begging for food (usually candy, Popsicles, etc), phones are ringing, dishes need to be done - it all collides! Then, I realize that I need to check a school planner, assist with homework, give Chase a tube feed...all while someone is tugging at my leg screaming "OOD EE" - (aka..Woody = Toy Story). Shit. Forgot to let the dog out! I am not embarrassed to say, I find myself extremely frustrated and quite honestly, I don't know where to begin. I am not alone, I'm sure.
So, I looked for advice on the Witching article and took a look at our house to make it more peaceful and put the broom away! First, I made changes without telling the kids, then I informed Trent, mid week. We all agree, its better!
First thing I do, Feed the kids - dinner! No snacks..we eat dinner between 430 and 5! Then, the reward for getting your chores and homework done - you get a dessert and "free time" before bed. Second, I stick Chase in the bath at 5pm - yep! 5pm - he is in PJ's. The bath and playtime is soothing, peaceful and organized play. It also give me time to check my emails and go through mail..the bathroom is my "other" office :) don't laugh. Depending on the weather, I give Trent some time to unwind (bball) then its homework, chores and bath. The quicker he moves, the more free time at the end of the evening.
Last night, by 6..all baths were done, kitchen cleaned, and I was baking a dessert. It was peaceful and lovely. My number one goal is to be present with the kids in the evening. After they are in bed (early!!!), I use that time to catch up on work and reading.
We have had the best week, we have eliminated the late night rush - by moving everything up a couple of hours! Every family is different, I rarely plan activities during the week, I like simple evenings! I have attached a couple of other articles on "The Witching Hour" - check it out!
xo stacey
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