I kindly refer it as the "slight change", "no big deal", "just try it for a week" – as NO CANS! NO COWS! The entire process started about 2 years ago when I was trying to lose my baby weight. As, I have mentioned before, I have no "shame in my game" when it comes to my pregnancies. I get huge! After Chase was born, the HCG diet was popular. Basically, starvation, but the weight came off, I lost about 35 lbs. It was a good refresher on eating healthier, as the diet consist of low calorie, whole foods, and low carbs. Of course, over the last 2 years and a complete Hysterectomy, most of it has crept back on. No excuses, but it sucks. I have battled weight since my late 20's and tried all of the quick fixes, including Cabbage Soup, Weight Watchers and Slim for Life. I am sure that I have spent thousands dollars, including hundreds on laxatives – as Slim for Life was temporarily coined "Clogged for Life". Horrible! TMI? I know I need to lose 30 lbs.; Most importantly, make changes to our eating habits and increase activity. There is no easy way out.
I have friends who exercise obsessively, purge, starve themselves – I am not envious. I do not want to have the body of a 12 year old boy. I want to embrace my curves, be healthy, active, enjoy food and not feel deprived. My goal is to increase my energy and maybe drop of few pounds. I think it is imperative to have good body image for your children, I NEVER complain about my appearance in front of my children, instead promote acceptance of what god gave you. Trust me; I know that if you see me, you may wonder why is she offering healthy eating tips? Well, I am not perfect, but I have made changes within my house that are easy and encourage better eating! Maybe one or two of them will be valuable in your home too! I am not an expert, but we meet with a Nutritionist a couple times a month..that has helped our family achieve these goals. She is great and promotes the same well balanced life style that I encourage!
I went from 200 cans in my pantry – to less than 10! Get rid of them – fresh or frozen is BEST! The BPA issue is up for debate. I really don't care what others say - Anything that is preserved (including boxed items) can't be good for us – aim for FRESH!
I have never been a milk drinker – except in my cereal. So, I am not really at a loss for this elimination. I am not trying to scare anyone and not trying to inflate the facts. But store bought milk should not be consumed. On a different level, I think that the milk industry and schools work together to promote this excessive consumption of dairy! Did someone say.. early puberty??? I cringe at mothers buying 4 gallons of milk…just say NO!!!!!!!
Milk kills cows. It is true – if a calf were to drink milk from our local grocer – it would die. Raw milk is best. Personally, we use Almond or Coconut Milk (it comes in flavors for your Chocolate Milk addicted child). They may protest the taste – but when there is nothing else to drink – they confine. A few years ago – I bought nothing but Soy Milk. Knowing what I know now – I wish I never did – Soy has its own issues!
This also means No yogurt, Cheese, etc. We are using the last of our yogurt and by the end of the week will be completely dairy-free. Full disclosure – Some people respond differently to Sheep or Goat milk products. I love sheep and Goat cheese- so I will probably stick to these options from local fromageries (cheese makers).
Why is this milk concerning? It is because of the processing AND the added hormones (very bad for men, women and children and your dog)
If you really want to be frightened – read this:
– NEVER USE ARTIFICAL SWEETNERS!!! EVER! Google the trick names they are using to slide these in your foods!
I love Liquid Stevia (NOT Truvia or anything powdered) – you can find this in a Health Food Store or Hy-Vee (Health Food Section). It will seem expensive, but one bottle last me almost a year. I only use 1-2 drops per cup of coffee, tea, smoothies. Also, an option.. Raw Honey or Raw Sugar – the real thing! Many people find Agave Nectar a great sweetener, I have never used it.
Coconut is SO healthy for us! We use Coconut Milk, Coconut Oil (In everything), and Coconut Milk Creamer (for coffee). It is also a great moisturizer for your skin! The options are endless, invest in some!
Never, ever use margarine or any other fake "spread", Real Butter is Great, use often!
Limit or Eliminate Gluten- Your body will thank you!
Chase is Gluten Free – about 99%, Trent and I have drastically reduced the amount of Gluten in our diet. One of the things I notice when I do this – I have less swelling (water retention). We both have migraines, I have heard good things about Gluten Reduction and less migraines. Looking Forward to it. There are some great Gluten Free snacks – but not everything "Gluten Free" is great for you – watch the preservatives – remember the goal is less man-made foods!
Stay away from Sugar free, Fat Free – Full of Fake sugars! Eat Real Food!
Medications L -
We use ZERO daily medication in this house! I have an occasional pill for migraine relief – that's it! Get rid of them, unless it is to save your life – there are healthy alternatives.
I heard Dr. Hicks (and wife Betsy) speak recently – really like their approach. And, they offer Skype visits!
This is a link to the exact lecture I went to, very informative!
Keep it simple and effective. Use quality! I won't go into details on each – these are what Dr. Hicks suggest – more is found on his website listed above!
For everyone in the house! Forever!
- B12
- Probiotics – daily
- Multivitamin
- Cod-liver oil
Drink half your body weight in ounces or more!
I drink much more than suggested – but I love water! I usually drink about 1.5 liters to 1 Gallon per day.
Poop Matters!
You are what you eat! So, if your Poo time is irregular or abnormal – stop and look at what you are eating and drinking (Water??). Poo tells the whole story! Make it great! J
DO NOT USE MIRALAX – ever! It has a connection to Antifreeze – I'm not going to give my 2 cents – but this article should provide you with the info you need.
Ugh! Painful for me – I'm not a big vegetable fan! But I love Cucumbers and Spinach. Find what you love and hide it!
I made meatloaf last night with Spinach – no one knew!
I made a banana and berry smoothie with a cucumber, the kids loved it!
Avocados are the best – eat them up! Full of great stuff!
These are the changes that we have slowly incorporated into our world. It has actually been easy! We eat great 90% of the time. I confess, we still have the occasional fast food in a hurry or scone at Starbucks.
My next changes are to eliminate High Fructose Corn Syrup and add even more Cultured Veggies through Fermentation (These are great for you!)
Now..Go Eat Healthier!!!
-Sargent Stacey

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