Friday, February 8, 2013

Binge and Purge

Today, I purged. No, I’m not in a 12 step program. I talked about this briefly before, but,  I have an obsession with Purging. Basically, it is the opposite of hoarding. I’m sure it results from many factors: Psychological (low attachment to material objects), OCD (my internal balance is based on my house being clutter-free) and thrifting (I like buying new items – so must get rid of the old).  Most importantly, when I am long gone – I don’t want to burden my children with a bunch of “stuff”.

For those who are trying to accomplish the same thing. My first point is remind you that it is NEVER to late to start and don’t get overwhelmed. Growing up, I had a closet the size of my current bedroom – really, I did. I used to have sleepovers in my closet. I was blessed with material possessions. In High School, I was voted “best dressed”, I’m sure this had something to do with this extensive wardrobe.  My closet today is about 1/20 of what it used to be (my small closet is only half full). It is true that you “wear 10% of your clothes, 90% of the time!”

                Clothes – I don’t spend a bunch of money on clothes (see my blog about thrifting), so I have NO attachment. Even my wedding dress(es) are M.I.A. !  When I let go of clothes, there is no resentment. I try to purchase clothes that are flattering and fit well (mostly basics). But, if I get an item home and it is not “becoming” on my beautiful figure J It is removed. If I have not worn an item in 1 year, it is removed. If it is too trendy or out of style, it is removed.  I follow the same guidelines for my kids clothes. Here is the secret, I purge – All the time!  When I am folding laundry, if I notice an item that fits in one of the above categories or a sock/undies with a hole – it is put aside.  Most of the time, I leave a plastic Wal-Mart bag in the kids closet and as they out grow things, it goes in this bag. So a couple times a week, I take the items that I have gathered and divide it up.  
For my clothes, I consign once a month. I actually don’t do “consigning”, bad luck with that. But, rather the stores that purchase while you wait.  I start with Clothes Mentor (really good luck with them) or Ditto (great results) and what they don’t purchase I take to Plato’s closet (trendy teen). For those of you in my local area, I have also had some luck with White Clover, but not too impressed with what they give for cash buying. Often, I get paid back more for my clothes, than what I purchased them for. It’s a win-win, and provides money for my next thrift trip! For my kids, I do well at Children’s Orchard (up to size 16). I only  go during walk-in hours and try to be the first one there. However, I rarely purchase at Children’t Orchard – I get more for my money thrift shopping.  I have been blessed with Chase, he gets hand-me-downs. And, due to the fact he is a slow grower, his clothes are worn well. I typically donate his items to a needy family or thrift store.  For those items that don’t succeed at a “consignment-type” shop, I donate to my local thrift store. I am careful to always get a receipt for my donation AND a coupon for 25% my next purchase.  I tend to donate at Salvation Army or D.A.V. The store Savers has a punch card type program, that offers big incentives for donation. However, I find that their items are high priced, so I don’t really save in the long run.

                Kids Toys/Household Items – Usually go on Craigslist, if they have value OVER $10. Of course, I encourage everyone to use Craigslist safety measures – I have had a couple of interesting customers!  One of my favorite places to Donate is the W.O.W. Ministry Thrift Store. I don’t get a coupon, but it is a good organization, doing great things for the community. They also offer good prices, so I enjoy giving them my business. If my kids are not using it, it is gone. We keep what they play with, not what has sentimental value.

                Papers – I open my mail OVER the trash can. I keep a very minimal amount of paperwork. I have never had to find an item that I didn’t have. I keep taxes, car and house papers.  After I read a magazine or book, I get rid of it. I have a collection of my 10 favorite books, the kids have 3 small book shelves. We utilize the library often, it keeps their interest AND we don’t have to store them! I own 2 cookbooks, if I need a recipe, I look online. For bills, etc. I keep a very small basket of important documents. When it’s time to get rid of books,  I sell at “Half Priced Books” first. They pay low, but it’s better than nothing. What I have left, I donate.

                Holiday Crap / Memorabilia – I like to decorate for the holidays, however, I don’t want to store the festive junk! So, I have the typical plastic bins marked 3 holidays to a tub. Christmas has 3 tubs, but still minimal.  As far as Memories, I do keep a couple of things. I pick out a few of my favorite things for a  “Stacey Box”, which includes stuff from my first 35 years – and a “Kids Box”, I keep one outfit from the their infancy, a few favorite pieces of artwork and Baptism items. My mom still has my lost teeth. Nice.

                Kitchen/Bath- My makeup drawer used to look like the MAC counter. Now, it is only what I use – nothing more. This has also came with learning what my favorite items are, I use what I love and use it until it is gone. My linen closet, has only the towels that we need. I have one box of medications and 1 box of misc. bath items. I have one set of sheets for my bed, when those go bad ..I donate and buy another. See the pattern?  I do not overstock anything, except toilet paper and diapers!

I have heard every excuse from those who don't get it, and those who what to know how. We are a materialistic generation, its sad.  I have learned to appreciate what I have and get rid of what is taking up space. It is true,  some may find great joy and comfort in a house that is full. But, for me, I appreciate the clear mind that comes with clutter free and easy to find possessions.  When things have their place, it is easy to clean and provides a stress free environment.  Another perk, my kids know where their items belong, which helps with clean up. Start today, enjoy the gratification.
A couple of related articles:
xo -s

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