Saturday, January 12, 2013

How to get a Dream Vacation!

One of my favorite things to give a newly married couple, is a invitation to a "Free Vacation". Well, its not really free - but it is a cleaver way to pay for that dream vacation.

"Solo with Stacey", yep, I'm Solo. Actually, after two unsuccessful marriages, I'm content and truly enjoy my two boys. Over the years, I have found a new appreciation for relationships, and the value of a intimacy. Until then...I will just wait (with a pocket full of ones) until Mr. Fabulous enters my world.

But, if you are married - get a jump start on your collection! Value the connection with your spouse and start saving that change! Great marriages are hard, but fantastic! I still have fond memories of marriage, it was the best time of my life! I can't wait to hear about your trip! Send me a postcard!

xo Stacey

*Read Below*

Dear Ann Landers,

When my parents married, they had only enough money for a three-day trip 50 miles from home. They made a pact that each time they made love, they would put a dollar in a special metal box, and save it for a honeymoon in Hawaii.

Dad was a policeman, and Mom was a schoolteacher. They lived in a modest house and did all their own repairs. Raising five children was a challenge, and sometimes, money was short, but no matter what emergency came up, Dad would not let Mom take any money out of the "Hawaii account." As the account grew, they put it in a savings account, and then, bought CDs.

I can remember Dad coming home and telling Mom, "I have a dollar in my pocket," and she would smile at him and reply, "I know how to spend it."

When each of us children married, Mom and Dad gave us a small box and told us their secret, which we found enchanting. All five of us are now saving for our dream honeymoons. Mom and Dad never told us how much money they had managed to save, but it must have been considerable, because when they cashed in those CDs, they had enough for airfare to Hawaii, plus, hotel accommodations for 10 days, and plenty of spending money.

As they told us goodbye before leaving, Dad winked and said, "Tonight, we are starting an account for Cancun. That should only take 25 years."

-- A Loving Daughter in Abilene, Texas

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