Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sexy Mother Pucker

I was at a social event recently. I put on something other than sweats, spruced up a bit (aka wore eyeliner) and had the kids at (different) sitters. Needless to say, it was an event to just arrive. I felt good as I sipped on my wine enjoying my conversation when a lady approached me (in front of the group) “ have never seen your hair that dark”. I replied with a chuckle, “yep, its natural, it’s what God gave me – and plus, being a brunette, I now look like a member of my family”. This person replied, “welllll..its you like it?” The sarcasm was clear in her voice that she didn’t care for my new “do”. And the truth was, her opinion didn't matter - but, I was a bit embarrassed and hurt. I replied, “well, to tell you the truth…It's OK..Actually, I rarely have time to look in the mirror anymore AND cost is a factor these days.” Women are caddy. I felt confident in my response, and it’s a fact, I too like my hair blonde. But, in my world, it is highlights vs. diapers. It is all about the ol'budget. My point is simple, this small interaction reminded me of a couple things…This lady has NO clue and most importantly I have made tremendous sacrifice to be the best mom I can be.

            The good news is..My world with Chase has gotten more routine; I have the juggling act of school and work down to a science. So this year, I made a commitment to give more time to me. I am often the last person in the equation and drop-dead-tired at the end of the day. Today, I am still in my PJ’s at 2pm. But, laundry is caught up; we watched a movie and the kids made a Valentine Garland. I drank a pot of coffee, gave lots of kisses and had a chance to browse Facebook. However, I didn’t even have a chance to glance in the mirror. And, that is OK!

Photo: Valentine garland

            I am going to start Couch to 5k next month, an ongoing goal. Also, make an attempt to add a bit of make up before I dash out the door. I found a couple great products in the last few months – Lorac Makeup – great, flawless coverage AND Sexy Mother Pucker – the perfect, longest lasting gloss I have ever found. Both products can be found at Sephora.

Underneath these sweats, I love original Jergans and Lavender Body oil (Trader Joes) along with my favorite old school perfume –Design. These are the things that make me feel like a lady and slightly pulled together. I have never been a girl that likes hair, including ironing it, extension-ing it, or adding tons of spray or wigs. I just want to be me. I want to be able to get ready quickly, with a toddler on my leg and I want to feel great! So, to the chic who thought I needed highlights, I appreciate the feedback, and will consider making that change. And, to the moms who are over-doing it everyday - consider embracing your natural side- your kids won’t remember your hair or wrinkles - but rather if you were present! In the meantime, I am still not hanging out in front of the mirror; I am busy creating memories with my boys - my biggest project and reflection of me.

My most beautiful feature is being a mother. I am always trying to be better; I keep this on my fridge for extra motivation!



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